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What's As Told By Us?

As Told By Us is a documentary that dives deep into the lived experiences of trans people, told by trans people ourselves. The film seeks to highlight the challenging realities that trans individuals face due to misinformation and discrimination. The documentary aims to call out mainstream media, providing an authentic and respectful portrayal of the trans experience. Our goal is to get our story told by us.

The documentary is still in pre-production, as we're gathering our information, resources, interviews, footage, and more.

Who's Making As Told By Us?

The documentary is independently created by Vivian Bostick thru her own sole proprietorship, Vee Media. As a trans woman herself, Vivian wants to use her platform, network, and connections to get our stories told by us, not fearmongers.

The documentary is also supported by users like you. Whenever you send us your stories, photos, and videos, that's information we can include in our interview.

Where Will As Told By Us Be Available To Stream?

The documentary is in pre-production. It is NOT complete yet. Once it's completed, thru Vee Media's vast network of over 30 platforms, Vivian will pitch the documentary to big-name streaming services we cannot legally name until we are on one. Once the documentary is complete and a platform is available, we will list it.